Loves First Kiss

A note from the Author

Butterflies are so beautiful, aren’t they? But they weren’t always; before the cocoon experience, they were just creepy crawly bugs.

Like me, before God inspired their stunning metamorphosis, they were nothing special.

God changed that, like He changed me, because He is wonderful and while He loves us as we are, He loves us too much to leave us that way.

For that, I am thankful; for that, I write for Him.

Author Biography

I was predominately raised in Northern California, where I also raised two beautiful children as a single mother. I celebrated the autumn season of my life by marrying the love of my life; together, we reach for our dreams, loving life and our three kids, our kitties, and now with great joy, our new grandson.
No matter where you are in life, there is always room for one more dream with God.